There was singing, dancing, a fashion show and food!
Oh, and a "ninja" cause you can't have a teen event without one!
Designers in action |
"Don't squint!" (smiles allowed) |
Yummy! |
Who says you can't use your phone for karaoke?
Period by Chemistry |
"Down to Earth" |
"You Belong To Me"
And the singing and dancing continued... |
Tuckered from all that singing and dancing it was time to go home.
Check out the library to see who the winners for attendance were this year. It was a sister act. Neither had missed a single event or check-in this summer and were awarded gift cards from Barnes and Noble.
The other winner was chosen through a book/movie review drawing. She also received a gift card from Barnes and Noble.
These along with "Your favorite postcard" winner and other items will be on display at the library.
"What do you geek?" is on it's way....